Feature Engineering

What are features?

Data comes to us in multiple forms – as audio files, images, logs, time series, categories, GPS coordinates, numbers, tweets, text and so on. Most raw data has to be transformed into something usable by algorithms. This ‘something’ represents features.

A feature is a numeric representation of data.

Features are derived from data, and are expressed as numbers.

Feature engineering involves creating the right feature set from available data that is fit-for-purpose for our modeling task (which is to get to the target variable, using other independent variables or attributes).


Feature engineering for numeric data

When raw data is already numeric, it sometimes can be used directly as an input to our models.

However often additional transformations are required to extract useful information from the data. Feature engineering is the process of using domain knowledge to extract features (characteristics, properties, attributes) from raw data. (Source: Wikipedia)

Next, we will discuss common tools available for engineering features from numeric raw data. These are transformations applied to data to convert them into a form that better fits our needs.

What we will cover

  • Binning
  • Log Transformations
  • Box-Cox
  • Standardization and Normalization
  • Categorical to Numeric
  • Imbalanced Data
  • Principal Component Analysis

Next, let us launch straight into each of these. We will cover the conceptual ground first, and then demonstrate the idea through code.

Usual library imports first...

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


In binning, we split our data into multiple bins, or buckets, and assign each observation to a limited number of bins. These bin assignments are then used as the feature set.

Consider our diamonds dataset, and the distribution of diamond prices.

Fixed width binning

In fixed width binning, the entire range of observations is divided across a set number of bins.

For example, we could split each diamond into one of 4 equally sized bins.

We can replace the interval notation with labels we assign ourselves.

You can cut the data into a number of fixed bins using pd.qcut. You can specify your own cut-offs for the bins as a list.
Note the interval notation. ( means not-inclusive, and ] means inclusive.

For example:
Assuming integers:

(0, 3) = 1, 2
(0, 3] = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
[0, 3) = 0, 1, 2
[0, 3] = 0, 1, 2, 3

Load the diamonds dataset

diamonds = sns.load_dataset('diamonds')
Shape: (53940, 10)
carat cut color clarity depth table price x y z
49506 0.71 Good E SI2 58.8 63.0 2120 5.75 5.88 3.42
38251 0.31 Very Good J VS2 62.3 60.0 380 4.29 4.34 2.69
31157 0.41 Ideal E SI1 62.6 57.0 755 4.72 4.73 2.96
4720 0.37 Ideal F SI2 60.9 56.0 572 4.65 4.68 2.84
count    53940.000000
mean      3932.799722
std       3989.439738
min        326.000000
25%        950.000000
50%       2401.000000
75%       5324.250000
max      18823.000000
Name: price, dtype: float64
diamonds.price.plot(kind='hist', bins = 100, figsize = (10,4), edgecolor='black', title='Diamond Price');
# diamonds.price.plot(kind='hist', bins = 100, figsize = (10,4), logx = True, logy=True, edgecolor='black', title='Log Price');


pd.cut(diamonds.price, bins = 5)
0        (307.503, 4025.4]
1        (307.503, 4025.4]
2        (307.503, 4025.4]
3        (307.503, 4025.4]
4        (307.503, 4025.4]
53935    (307.503, 4025.4]
53936    (307.503, 4025.4]
53937    (307.503, 4025.4]
53938    (307.503, 4025.4]
53939    (307.503, 4025.4]
Name: price, Length: 53940, dtype: category
Categories (5, interval[float64, right]): [(307.503, 4025.4] < (4025.4, 7724.8] < (7724.8, 11424.2] < (11424.2, 15123.6] < (15123.6, 18823.0]]

Custom bins

Alternatively, we can use custom bins.

Assume from our domain knowledge we know that diamonds up to \$2,500 are purchased by a certain category of customers, and those that are priced over \$2,500 are targeted at a different category.

We can set up two bins – 0-2500, and 2500-max.

pd.cut(diamonds.price, bins = [0, 2500, 100000])
0             (0, 2500]
1             (0, 2500]
2             (0, 2500]
3             (0, 2500]
4             (0, 2500]
53935    (2500, 100000]
53936    (2500, 100000]
53937    (2500, 100000]
53938    (2500, 100000]
53939    (2500, 100000]
Name: price, Length: 53940, dtype: category
Categories (2, interval[int64, right]): [(0, 2500] < (2500, 100000]]
diamonds['pricebin'] = pd.cut(diamonds.price, bins = [0, 2500, 100000])
diamonds[['price', 'pricebin']].sample(6)
price pricebin
14258 5775 (2500, 100000]
32100 781 (0, 2500]
51512 2384 (0, 2500]
43692 1436 (0, 2500]
36141 928 (0, 2500]
16990 6787 (2500, 100000]
# With custom labels
diamonds['pricebin'] = pd.cut(diamonds.price, bins = [0, 2500, 100000], labels=['Low Price', 'High Price'])
diamonds[['price', 'pricebin']].sample(6)
price pricebin
27698 648 Low Price
52122 2464 Low Price
44639 1609 Low Price
15978 6397 High Price
25472 14240 High Price
36430 942 Low Price
Low Price     27542
High Price    26398
Name: count, dtype: int64

Quantile binning

Similar to custom bins – except that we use quantiles to bin the data.

This is useful if the data is skewed and not evenly distributed across its range.

pd.qcut(diamonds.price, 4)
0         (325.999, 950.0]
1         (325.999, 950.0]
2         (325.999, 950.0]
3         (325.999, 950.0]
4         (325.999, 950.0]
53935    (2401.0, 5324.25]
53936    (2401.0, 5324.25]
53937    (2401.0, 5324.25]
53938    (2401.0, 5324.25]
53939    (2401.0, 5324.25]
Name: price, Length: 53940, dtype: category
Categories (4, interval[float64, right]): [(325.999, 950.0] < (950.0, 2401.0] < (2401.0, 5324.25] < (5324.25, 18823.0]]
# You can provide label instead of using the default interval notation, and you can 
# cut by quartiles using `qcut`

diamonds['pricequantiles'] = pd.qcut(diamonds.price, 4, labels=['Affordale', 'Premium', 'Pricey', 'Expensive'])
diamonds[['price', 'pricequantiles']].sample(6)
price pricequantiles
31315 758 Affordale
6043 576 Affordale
14862 5987 Expensive
12234 5198 Pricey
44865 1628 Premium
41990 1264 Premium

Log transformation

Log transformations are really just the application of the log function to the data. This has the effect of squeezing the big numbers into smaller ones, and the smaller ones into slightly larger ones. The transformation is purely a mathematical trick in the sense we do not lose any information, because we can get back to exactly where we started from by using the anti-log function, more commonly called the exponential.

A primer on logarithms
Log functions are defined such that , where a is a positive constant.

We know that , which means .

Taking a log of everything between 0 and 1 yields a negative number, and taking a log of anything greater than 1 yields a positive number.

However, as the number to which the log function is applied, the result increases slowly. The effect of applying the log function is to compress the large numbers, and expand the range of the smaller numbers. The long tail becomes a shorter tail, and the short head becomes a longer head.

Note that this is a mathematical transformation, and we are not losing any information.

We can graph the log function to see this effect.

Note that the exp function is the reverse of the log function.

# graph of the log function - 0 to 10,000.
# log

plt.ylabel('Natural Log of Number')
my_range = np.arange(1e-8,10000, 1)
pd.Series(np.log(my_range), index = my_range).plot.line(figsize = (15,6));


# graph of the log function - 0 to 3
# log

plt.ylabel('Natural Log of Number')
my_range = np.arange(1e-8, 3, .01)
pd.Series(np.log(my_range), index = my_range).plot.line(figsize = (15,6))
plt.hlines(0, 0, 1,linestyles='dashed', colors='red')
plt.vlines(1, -18, 0,linestyles='dashed', colors='red')
plt.hlines(1, 0, np.exp(1),linestyles='dotted', colors='green')
plt.vlines(np.exp(1), -18, 1,linestyles='dotted', colors='green')
plt.xticks([0,.5,1,1.5,2,2.5, 2.7182,3]);



One limitation of log transforms is that they can only be applied to positive numbers as logs are not defined for negative numbers.

Log of zero is not defined. If you could end up with log(0), you should add a very tiny number, eg 1e-8 so that you don't end up with a nan.

# Logs of negative numbers, or 0, yield an error
print('Log of 0 is', np.log(0))
print('Log of -1 is', np.log(-1))
print('Log of +1 is', np.log(1))
print('Log of +2.72 is', np.log(2.72))
Log of 0 is -inf
Log of -1 is nan
Log of +1 is 0.0
Log of +2.72 is 1.000631880307906

C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_2980\4097127657.py:2: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log
  print('Log of 0 is', np.log(0))
C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_2980\4097127657.py:3: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log
  print('Log of -1 is', np.log(-1))

Applying Log Transformation to Price in our Diamonds Dataset
Both graphs below represent the same data.

The second graph represents a ‘feature’ we have extracted from the original data.

In some cases, such transformed data may allow us to build models that perform better.

diamonds.price.plot(kind='hist', bins = 50, figsize = (18,4), \
                    edgecolor='black', title='Price on x-axis');
diamonds['log_transform'] = np.log10(diamonds.price)
diamonds['log_transform'].plot(kind='hist', bins = 50, figsize = (18,4), \
                              edgecolor='black', title='Log(10)(price) on x-axis');



Box Cox Transform

The log transform is an example of a family of transformations known as power transforms. In statistical terms, these are variance-stabilizing transformations.

Another similar transform is taking the square root of the data series.

A generalization of the square root transform and the log transform is known as the Box-Cox transform.

The Box-Cox transform takes a parameter, , and its formula is as follows:

If , then: =
If , then: =

When , the Box-Cox transform is nothing but the log transform.

In Python, Box-Cox is available as a function through Scipy. The Scipy implementation optimizes the value of so that the resulting distribution is as close as possible to a normal distribution.

from scipy.stats import boxcox
bc_data, bc_lambda = boxcox(diamonds.price)
print('Lambda is:', bc_lambda)

diamonds['boxcox_transform'] = bc_data

Lambda is: -0.06699030544539092
print('Lambda for Box-Cox is:', bc_lambda)
diamonds.price.plot(kind='hist', bins = 50, figsize = (22,3), edgecolor='black', title='Raw Price data, no transformation');
diamonds['log_transform'].plot(kind='hist', bins = 50, figsize = (22,3), edgecolor='black', title='Log Transform');
diamonds['boxcox_transform'].plot(kind='hist', bins = 50, figsize = (22,3), edgecolor='black', title='Box-Cox Transform');

Lambda for Box-Cox is: -0.06699030544539092




Review the graphics above. The top graph is the untranformed data, the next one is the same data after a log transform, and the final one is the same data after a box-cox transform. Note that it is the x-axis that is being transformed, ie the prices.

The optimal Box-Cox transform deflates the tail more than the log transform. Since the box-cox transform tries to take the distribution as close as possible to a normal distribution, we can use Q-Q plots, or probability plots to compare observed to theoretical quantiles under the normal distribution. For our purposes though, we do not need to do that, so we will skip this.

One limitation of box cox transforms is that they can only be applied to positive numbers. To get over this limitation add a constant equal to the smallest negative value in your data to your entire array.

Feature Scaling

Minmax & standardization

Minmax and standardization of feature columns

The Box-Cox transform handled skew. Sometimes we may need to ‘scale’ the features, which means we make them fit to a nice scale by using simple arithmetic operations.

Min-Max Scaling:


import sklearn.preprocessing as preproc
diamonds['minmax'] = preproc.minmax_scale(diamonds[['price']])
diamonds['standardized'] = preproc.StandardScaler().fit_transform(diamonds[['price']]) # At the column level
diamonds['l2_normalized'] = preproc.normalize(diamonds[['price']], axis=0)

As we can see below, feature scaling did not impact the shape of distribution – only the scaling of the x-axis changed.

Feature scaling is useful when features vary significantly in scale, eg, count of hits of a webpage (large) vs number of orders of the item on that page (very small)

diamonds.price.plot(kind='hist', bins = 50, figsize = (22,2), edgecolor='black', title='Raw Price data, no transformation');
diamonds['minmax'].plot(kind='hist', bins = 50, figsize = (22,2), edgecolor='black', title='Min-Max Scaling');
diamonds['standardized'].plot(kind='hist', bins = 50, figsize = (22,2), edgecolor='black', title='Standardization');
# diamonds['l2_normalized'].plot(kind='hist', bins = 50, figsize = (22,2), edgecolor='black', title='L2 Normalized');
# plt.show()




Using scipy.stats.zscore for a single data series
Standardization of a single data series, or vector can be done using the function zscore.
This may be necessary as StandardScaler expects an m x n array as input (to standardize an entire feature set, as opposed to a single column)

from scipy.stats import zscore
0       -0.904095
1       -0.904095
2       -0.903844
3       -0.902090
4       -0.901839
53935   -0.294731
53936   -0.294731
53937   -0.294731
53938   -0.294731
53939   -0.294731
Name: price, Length: 53940, dtype: float64

L2 Normalization

Normalization is the process of scaling individual samples to have unit norm. This process can be useful if you plan to use a quadratic form such as the dot-product or any other kernel to quantify the similarity of any pair of samples. L2 Normalization:


is a constant, equal to the Euclidean length of the vector. is the feature vector itself.

This is useful when observations vary a lot between themselves.

Source: https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/preprocessing.html#preprocessing-normalization

Use normalization where observations vary a lot between themselves.

Let us look at an example.

# let us create the dataframe first
# Data source: https://data.worldbank.org/?locations=AU-CN-CH-IN-VN

df = pd.DataFrame({'NI-USDTrillion': {'Australia': 1034.18,
  'China': 10198.9,
  'India': 2322.05,
  'Switzerland': 519.097,
  'Vietnam': 176.367},
 'AgriLand-sqkm-mm': {'Australia': 3.71837,
  'China': 5.285311,
  'India': 1.79674,
  'Switzerland': 0.01512999,
  'Vietnam': 0.121688},
 'Freight-mm-ton-km': {'Australia': 1982.586171,
  'China': 23323.6147,
  'India': 2407.098107,
  'Switzerland': 1581.35236,
  'Vietnam': 453.34954},
 'AirPassengers(m)': {'Australia': 74.257326,
  'China': 551.234509,
  'India': 139.752424,
  'Switzerland': 26.73257,
  'Vietnam': 42.592762},
 'ArableLandPct': {'Australia': 3.997909522,
  'China': 12.67850328,
  'India': 52.6088141,
  'Switzerland': 10.07651831,
  'Vietnam': 22.53781404},
 'ArableLandHect': {'Australia': 30.752,
  'China': 119.4911,
  'India': 156.416,
  'Switzerland': 0.398184,
  'Vietnam': 6.9883},
 'ArmedForces': {'Australia': 58000.0,
  'China': 2695000.0,
  'India': 3031000.0,
  'Switzerland': 21000.0,
  'Vietnam': 522000.0}})
NI-USDTrillion AgriLand-sqkm-mm Freight-mm-ton-km AirPassengers(m) ArableLandPct ArableLandHect ArmedForces
Australia 1034.180 3.718370 1982.586171 74.257326 3.997910 30.752000 58000.0
China 10198.900 5.285311 23323.614700 551.234509 12.678503 119.491100 2695000.0
India 2322.050 1.796740 2407.098107 139.752424 52.608814 156.416000 3031000.0
Switzerland 519.097 0.015130 1581.352360 26.732570 10.076518 0.398184 21000.0
Vietnam 176.367 0.121688 453.349540 42.592762 22.537814 6.988300 522000.0

Consider the dataset above. Some countries have very large numbers compared to the others. Such observations can upset distance and other calculations in our models.

import sklearn.preprocessing as preproc
df2 = pd.DataFrame(preproc.normalize(df), columns = df.columns, index= df.index) # At the row level
NI-USDTrillion AgriLand-sqkm-mm Freight-mm-ton-km AirPassengers(m) ArableLandPct ArableLandHect ArmedForces
Australia 0.017817 6.406217e-05 0.034157 0.001279 0.000069 0.000530 0.999257
China 0.003784 1.961067e-06 0.008654 0.000205 0.000005 0.000044 0.999955
India 0.000766 5.927875e-07 0.000794 0.000046 0.000017 0.000052 0.999999
Switzerland 0.024642 7.182228e-07 0.075067 0.001269 0.000478 0.000019 0.996873
Vietnam 0.000338 2.331187e-07 0.000868 0.000082 0.000043 0.000013 1.000000
Australia      1.0
China          1.0
India          1.0
Switzerland    1.0
Vietnam        1.0
dtype: float64

Inversing a transform

The opposite of fit_transform is inverse_transform.

Example: We standardize prices, and reverse the process to get back the original prices.

Normally you will not need to do this as long as the target variable has not been transformed.

diamonds = sns.load_dataset('diamonds')
print('Original diamond prices (first 4 only)')
scaler = preproc.StandardScaler()
diamonds['standardized'] = scaler.fit_transform(diamonds[['price']])
print('\n\nStandardized prices')
print('\n\nReconstructed prices by un-scaling the standardized prices:')
print(scaler.inverse_transform(diamonds['standardized'][:4].values.reshape(-1, 1)))
Original diamond prices (first 4 only)
0    326
1    326
2    327
3    334
Name: price, dtype: int64

Standardized prices
0   -0.904095
1   -0.904095
2   -0.903844
3   -0.902090
Name: standardized, dtype: float64

Reconstructed prices by un-scaling the standardized prices:

Categorical to Numeric

A lot of data we will encounter as inputs to our modeling process will be categorical, for example, country names, species, gender, county etc. While we humans can make sense of this, algorithms can only consume numerical data. We will next look at a few ways of converting categorical data to numerical information. Conceptually, all of these methods rely on one of two ideas:

  1. One-hot: Create a separate column for every single category, and populate it with either a 0 or a 1, or
  2. Label encoding: Call the category values as numbers, eg, High=3, Medium=2, Low=1 etc.

One hot encoding

  • Categorical variables represent categories, or labels.
  • Cardinal/Nonordinal categories: For example, names of species, countries, industry, gender etc. No natural order, and < or > relationships do not apply
  • Ordinal categories: For example, High, Medium, Low (where High > Medium > Low), or XL, L, M, S
  • Most ML/AI algorithms cannot deal with categorical variables on their own, and require categories to be converted to numerical arrays.
  • One-hot encoding is often used to convert categories to numbers.
  • Variations include dropping the first category, and effect encoding.

One hot encoding creates a column with a 1 or 0 for each category label.

df = pd.DataFrame({'fruit': 
                   ['apple', 'banana', 'pear', 
                    'pear', 'apple', 'apple'],
                  'price':[0.25, 0.18, 0.87, 0.09, 1.02,.63]})
fruit weight_gm price
0 apple 120 0.25
1 banana 100 0.18
2 pear 104 0.87
3 pear 60 0.09
4 apple 98 1.02
5 apple 119 0.63
weight_gm price fruit_apple fruit_banana fruit_pear
0 120 0.25 True False False
1 100 0.18 False True False
2 104 0.87 False False True
3 60 0.09 False False True
4 98 1.02 True False False
5 119 0.63 True False False

You only really need columns to encode categories. The all-zeros vector represents the first category, called in this case the ‘reference category’.

One hot encoding can be challenging to use if there are more than a handful of categories. We can do this in pandas using the parameter drop_first=True.

pd.get_dummies(df, drop_first=True)
weight_gm price fruit_banana fruit_pear
0 120 0.25 False False
1 100 0.18 True False
2 104 0.87 False True
3 60 0.09 False True
4 98 1.02 False False
5 119 0.63 False False

Label encoding

What we saw with get_dummies would work for input variables (as most models will accommodate more columns), but how do we deal with target variables that are categorical?

This can become an issue as most ML algorithms expect a single column target variable.

In such situations, we can assign numbers to different categories, eg,
0 = apple,
1 = banana,
2 = pear etc.!

Original data is transformed into labels that are classes named as 0, 1

fruit weight_gm price
0 apple 120 0.25
1 banana 100 0.18
2 pear 104 0.87
3 pear 60 0.09
4 apple 98 1.02
5 apple 119 0.63

For multiclass classification problems for neural nets, a slightly different label encoding scheme is desired.

We use tensorflow’s to_categorical function on the encoded labels (not on the raw labels!). The function converts a class vector (integers) to binary class matrix.

This is similar to get_dummies() from pandas.

from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
le = LabelEncoder()
encoded_labels = le.fit_transform(df['fruit'].values.ravel()) # This needs a 1D array
df['encoded_labels'] = encoded_labels
fruit weight_gm price encoded_labels
0 apple 120 0.25 0
1 banana 100 0.18 1
2 pear 104 0.87 2
3 pear 60 0.09 2
4 apple 98 1.02 0
5 apple 119 0.63 0
# Enumerate Encoded Classes
{0: 'apple', 1: 'banana', 2: 'pear'}
from tensorflow.keras.utils import to_categorical
array([[1., 0., 0.],
       [0., 1., 0.],
       [0., 0., 1.],
       [0., 0., 1.],
       [1., 0., 0.],
       [1., 0., 0.]], dtype=float32)

Next, we look at some of the commonly used functions used for converting categories to numbers.

Used for X variables. Can convert multiple columns to one hot format directly from categorical text. Directly takes an array as an input.

from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelBinarizer
from sklearn.preprocessing import MultiLabelBinarizer
values = df[['fruit']]
0 apple
1 banana
2 pear
3 pear
4 apple
5 apple
oh = OneHotEncoder(sparse_output=False)
myonehot = oh.fit_transform(values)

array([[1., 0., 0.],
       [0., 1., 0.],
       [0., 0., 1.],
       [0., 0., 1.],
       [1., 0., 0.],
       [1., 0., 0.]])

Used for Y variables - this doesn't give you one-hot encoding, but gives you integer encoding.

le = LabelEncoder()
int = le.fit_transform(values.fruit.ravel()) # This needs a 1D arrary
print("Now int has integers, type is ", type(int))
print('int shape: ', int.shape)
Now int has integers, type is  <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
int shape:  (6,)

array([0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0])

Used for Y variables - produces one-hot encoding for Y variables. Each observation belongs to one and only one class.

lb = LabelBinarizer()
myonehot = lb.fit_transform(values) 
my1hot_df = pd.DataFrame(lb.fit_transform(values), columns=lb.classes_)
print('\n \n')
   apple  banana  pear
0      1       0     0
1      0       1     0
2      0       0     1
3      0       0     1
4      1       0     0
5      1       0     0

[[1 0 0]
 [0 1 0]
 [0 0 1]
 [0 0 1]
 [1 0 0]
 [1 0 0]]

MultiLabelBinarizer: This is used when an observation can belong to multiple labels

df = pd.DataFrame({"genre": [["action", "drama","fantasy"], \
                             ["fantasy","action"], ["drama"], 
                             ["sci-fi", "drama"]]})
0 [action, drama, fantasy]
1 [fantasy, action]
2 [drama]
3 [sci-fi, drama]
mlb = MultiLabelBinarizer()
myonehot = mlb.fit_transform(df['genre'])
my1hot_df = pd.DataFrame(mlb.fit_transform(df['genre']), columns=mlb.classes_)
print('mlb.classes \n',mlb.classes_, '\n\n')
print('my1hot_df \n', my1hot_df, '\n\n')
print('myonehot \n', myonehot, '\n\n')
 ['action' 'drama' 'fantasy' 'sci-fi']

    action  drama  fantasy  sci-fi
0       1      1        1       0
1       1      0        1       0
2       0      1        0       0
3       0      1        0       1

 [[1 1 1 0]
 [1 0 1 0]
 [0 1 0 0]
 [0 1 0 1]]

Imbalanced classes

Imbalanced data is data for classification problems where the observations are not equally distributed (or roughly so) across the different classes. An imbalanced data set is one with skewed class proportions.

As a result, many algorithms underperform as they do not get to learn the underrepresented class, which is often the one of interest.

Example: a dataset for disease prediction has <1% of the observations which are positive for the disease.

There is no precise definition of when a dataset should be considered imbalanced, but as a rule of thumb it is something to be concerned about if less than 20% of the observations belong to one class in a binary classification problem.

Approaches to addressing the problem of imbalanced data focus on doing something that improves the ratio of the underrepresented category in the dataset.

This can be done in two ways:
- Reduce observations in the majority class
- Increase observations for the minority class

Let us see next how this can be done.

Old Faithful Dataset

We look at the dataset from the Old Faithful geyser's eruptions at the Yellowstone National Park.

Data Description: - Waiting time between eruptions and the duration of the eruption for the Old Faithful geyser in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA.

 - A data frame with 272 observations on 2 variables.

- duration - numeric - Eruption time in mins
- waiting - numeric - Waiting time to next eruption
- kind - categorical - Kind of eruption (long/short)

df = sns.load_dataset('geyser')
duration waiting kind
0 3.600 79 long
1 1.800 54 short
2 3.333 74 long
3 2.283 62 short
4 4.533 85 long
... ... ... ...
267 4.117 81 long
268 2.150 46 short
269 4.417 90 long
270 1.817 46 short
271 4.467 74 long

272 rows × 3 columns

long     172
short    100
Name: count, dtype: int64


long     0.632353
short    0.367647
Name: proportion, dtype: float64
# Split the dataframe between X and y
X = df[['duration', 'waiting']]
y = df[['kind']]
long     172
short    100
Name: count, dtype: int64

Approach 1: Reduce Observations for Majority Class

Several approaches available, for example: - Random Under Sampling: Randomly remove majority class observations to match the number of observations in the minority class.
- Cluster Centroids Method: Remove majority class observations and replace them with synthetic data representing the centroids of k-means clusters.

Observations are removed till all classes have a count of observation equal to the class with the lowest count of observations.

Generally, 1 above (random undersampling) should suffice for most general cases. Other approaches available as well, listed at https://imbalanced-learn.org/

Random Under Sampler

Several approaches available, for example:

  • Random Under Sampling: Randomly remove majority class observations to match the number of observations in the minority class.
  • Cluster Centroids Method: Remove majority class observations and replace them with synthetic data representing the centroids of k-means clusters.

Observations are removed till all classes have a count of observation equal to the class with the lowest count of observations.

Generally, 1 above (random undersampling) should suffice for most general cases.

Other approaches available as well, listed at https://imbalanced-learn.org/

from imblearn.under_sampling import RandomUnderSampler
undersampler = RandomUnderSampler()
X_res, y_res = undersampler.fit_resample(X, y)
long     100
short    100
Name: count, dtype: int64
duration waiting
0 3.600 79
1 1.800 54
2 3.333 74
3 2.283 62
4 4.533 85
... ... ...
267 4.117 81
268 2.150 46
269 4.417 90
270 1.817 46
271 4.467 74

272 rows × 2 columns

0 long
1 short
2 long
3 short
4 long
... ...
267 long
268 short
269 long
270 short
271 long

272 rows × 1 columns

Centroid Based Under Sampler

from imblearn.under_sampling import ClusterCentroids
clustercentroids = ClusterCentroids()
X_res, y_res = clustercentroids.fit_resample(X, y)
C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\sklearn\cluster\_kmeans.py:1416: FutureWarning: The default value of `n_init` will change from 10 to 'auto' in 1.4. Set the value of `n_init` explicitly to suppress the warning
  super()._check_params_vs_input(X, default_n_init=10)
long     100
short    100
Name: count, dtype: int64

Notice how the majority class has been undersampled to match the count of 100 short eruptions (the minority class).

Approach 2: Add Observations to the Minority Classes

Several approaches available, for example:
- Random Over Sampling: Randomly duplicate observations in the minority class till the count of the modal class is reached
- SMOTE: Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique

You may have to try both approaches to see which one gives you better results.

All classes that have observations fewer than the class with the maximum count will have their counts increased to match that of the class with the highest count.

Random Over Sampler

from imblearn.over_sampling import RandomOverSampler
randomoversampler = RandomOverSampler()
X_res, y_res = randomoversampler.fit_resample(X, y)
long     172
short    172
Name: count, dtype: int64

SMOTE Over Sampler

SMOTE = Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique

SMOTE works as follows:
1. Take a random sample from the minority class
2. Find k nearest neighbors for this sample observation
3. Randomly select one of the neighbors
4. Draw a line between this random neighbor and the sample observation
5. Identify a point on the line between the two to get another minority data point.

Fortunately, this complicated series of motions is implemented for us in Python by the library imbalanced-learn

Often, under-sampling and SMOTE are combined to build a larger data set with greater representation for the minority class.

from imblearn.over_sampling import SMOTE 
smote = SMOTE()
X_res, y_res = smote.fit_resample(X, y)
long     172
short    172
Name: count, dtype: int64

Notice how the count of observations in the minority class have gone up to match the count of the majority class.

Principal Component Analysis

The problem we are trying to solve with PCA is that when we are trying to look for relationships in data, there may sometimes be too many variables in the feature set that are all somewhat related to each other.

Consider the mtcars dataset. Though the columns represent different things, we can imagine that horsepower, number of cylinders, engine size (displacement) etc are all related to each other.

What PCA allows us to do is to replace a large number of variables with much fewer ‘artificial’ variables that effectively represent the same data. These artificial variables are called principal components.

So you might have a hundred variables in the original data set, and you may be able to replace them with just two or three mathematically constructed ‘artificial variables’ that explain the data just about as well as the original data set.

These ‘artificial variables’ are built mathematically as linear combinations of the underlying original variables. These new ‘artificial variables’, called principal components, may or may not be capable of any intuitive human interpretation.

The number of principal components that can be identified for any dataset is equal to the number of the variables in the dataset. But if one had to use all the principal components, it would not be very helpful because the complexity of the data is not reduced at all, and we are replacing natural variables with artificial ones that may not have a logical interpretation.

We can decide which principal components to use and which to discard. But how do we do that?

Each principal component accounts for a part of the total variation that the original dataset had. We pick the top 2 or 3 (or n) principal components so we have a satisfactory proportion of the variation in the original dataset.

What does ‘variation’ mean, you might ask.

Think of the data set as a scatterplot. If we had two variables, think about how they would look when plotted on a scatter plot. If we had three variables, try to visualize a three dimensional plane and how the data points would look – like a cloud kind of clustering together a little bit (or not) depending upon how correlated the system is.

The ‘spread’ of this cloud is really the ‘variation’ contained in the data set. This can be measured in the form of variance, with each of the n columns having a variance.

Once the principal components for the feature data have been calculated, we can also calculate the variance for each of the principal components.

Fortunately, the simple summation of the variance of the individual original variables is equal to the summation of the variances of the principal components. But it is distributed differently.

We arrange the principal components in descending order of the variance each of them explains, take the top few principal components, add up their variance, and compare it to the total variance to determine how much of the variance is accounted for. If we have enough to meet our needs, we stop there.

For example, if the top 3 or 4 principal components explain 90% of the variance (not unusual), we might just take those as our new features to replace our old cumbersome 100-column feature set, greatly simplifying our modeling problem.

PCA in Practice - Steps
1. PCA begins with standardizing the feature set. 2. Then we calculate the covariance matrix (which after standardization is the same as the correlation matrix). 3. For this covariance matrix, we now calculate the eigenvectors and eigenvalues. 4. Every eigenvector would have as many elements as the number of features in the original dataset. These elements represent the ‘weights’ for the linear combination of the different features. 5. The eigenvalues for each of the eigenvectors represent the amount of variance that the given eigenvector accounts for. We arrange the eigenvectors in decreasing order of the eigenvalues, and pick the top 2, 3 (or as many eigenvalues) that we are interested in depending upon how much variance we want to capture in our model. 6. If we include all the eigenvectors, then we would have captured all the variance but this would not give us any advantage over our initial data. 7. In a simplistic way, that is about all that there is to PCA. Fortunately for us, all of this is already implemented in statistical libraries, and as practitioners we need to know only the intuition before we apply it.

# Load the mtcars data
import statsmodels.api as sm
df = sm.datasets.get_rdataset('mtcars').data
print('Dataframe shape: ',df.shape)
Dataframe shape:  (32, 11)
mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 21.0 6 160.0 110 3.90 2.620 16.46 0 1 4 4
Mazda RX4 Wag 21.0 6 160.0 110 3.90 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4
Datsun 710 22.8 4 108.0 93 3.85 2.320 18.61 1 1 4 1
Hornet 4 Drive 21.4 6 258.0 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1
Hornet Sportabout 18.7 8 360.0 175 3.15 3.440 17.02 0 0 3 2

We run principal component analysis on the mtcars dataset. We target capturing 80% of the variation in the dataset. We see that just two principal components capture 84% of the variation observed in the original 10 feature dataset.

# Separate out the features (assuming mpg is the target variable)
feat = df.iloc[:,1:]

# Next, standard scale the feature set
import sklearn.preprocessing as preproc
feat = pd.DataFrame(data=preproc.StandardScaler().fit_transform(feat), columns=feat.columns, index = feat.index)
(32, 10)
cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 -0.106668 -0.579750 -0.543655 0.576594 -0.620167 -0.789601 -0.881917 1.208941 0.430331 0.746967
Mazda RX4 Wag -0.106668 -0.579750 -0.543655 0.576594 -0.355382 -0.471202 -0.881917 1.208941 0.430331 0.746967
Datsun 710 -1.244457 -1.006026 -0.795570 0.481584 -0.931678 0.432823 1.133893 1.208941 0.430331 -1.140108
Hornet 4 Drive -0.106668 0.223615 -0.543655 -0.981576 -0.002336 0.904736 1.133893 -0.827170 -0.946729 -1.140108
Hornet Sportabout 1.031121 1.059772 0.419550 -0.848562 0.231297 -0.471202 -0.881917 -0.827170 -0.946729 -0.511083
# Check out the correlation
sns.heatmap(feat.corr(numeric_only=True), annot=True);


Consider the mtcars dataset above. Though the columns represent different things, we can imagine that horsepower, number of cylinders, engine size (displacement) etc are all related to each other.

We run principal component analysis on the mtcars dataset. We target capturing 80% of the variation in the dataset. We see below that just two principal components capture 84% of the variation observed in the original 10 feature dataset.

Principal Components

from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
pca = PCA(n_components=.8) #0.8 means keep 80% of the variance
# Get the new features and hold them in variable new
pc_mtcars = pca.fit_transform(feat)
(32, 10)
pc_mtcars = pd.DataFrame(pc_mtcars)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0.632134 1.739877 -0.665110 0.100862 -0.927621 0.051528 -0.400939 -0.177965 -0.067495 -0.163161
1 0.605027 1.554343 -0.434619 0.190621 -1.033729 -0.156044 -0.421950 -0.085054 -0.125251 -0.071543
2 2.801549 -0.122632 -0.414510 -0.263449 0.446730 -0.507376 -0.291290 -0.084116 0.162350 0.181756
3 0.259204 -2.364265 -0.095090 -0.505929 0.552199 -0.035541 -0.058233 -0.188187 -0.101924 -0.166531
4 -2.032508 -0.774822 -1.016381 0.081071 0.200412 0.163234 0.285340 0.116682 -0.108244 -0.181168
5 0.204867 -2.778790 0.093328 -0.995552 0.227545 -0.323183 -0.150440 -0.045932 -0.154474 0.033869
6 -2.846324 0.318210 -0.324108 -0.053138 0.423729 0.686200 -0.201259 0.179319 0.362386 -0.195036
7 1.938647 -1.454239 0.955656 -0.138849 -0.349183 0.073207 0.641096 -0.374506 0.239646 -0.031233
8 2.300271 -1.963602 1.751220 0.299541 -0.408112 -0.255902 0.542837 0.935339 -0.061213 -0.130912
9 0.636986 -0.150858 1.434045 0.066155 0.010042 0.845973 0.168722 -0.543588 -0.260493 0.124549
10 0.712003 -0.308009 1.571549 0.090629 -0.062764 0.746137 0.155767 -0.340193 -0.343927 0.071815
11 -2.168500 -0.698349 -0.318649 -0.132449 -0.380210 0.193121 -0.104051 0.091823 -0.060831 0.389843
12 -2.013998 -0.698920 -0.409019 -0.213513 -0.353604 0.312365 -0.096477 0.288854 -0.115464 0.184484
13 -1.983030 -0.811307 -0.297320 -0.184076 -0.409623 0.223378 -0.106863 0.405446 -0.167143 0.176943
14 -3.540037 -0.841191 0.646830 0.299781 -0.144468 -0.895457 -0.091503 -0.234988 0.052358 -0.258041
15 -3.597893 -0.747153 0.725851 0.417433 -0.092404 -0.875780 -0.121889 -0.248904 0.121949 -0.036876
16 -3.493731 -0.445347 0.702793 0.696399 0.074896 -0.605711 -0.147697 -0.182902 0.201483 0.145296
17 3.329571 -0.292943 -0.277423 0.073323 0.112670 -0.421673 -0.305017 0.070160 -0.116413 0.129409
18 3.883988 0.704290 -0.202656 1.186911 0.133843 0.540753 -0.410649 -0.133756 -0.228625 -0.282043
19 3.636227 -0.276133 -0.292044 0.206366 0.113590 -0.245487 -0.304007 0.365579 -0.231154 -0.056534
20 1.962264 -2.101797 0.030140 0.037593 0.162210 0.672144 -0.164937 0.306503 0.606158 -0.031204
21 -2.048033 -1.026281 -1.177374 -0.604969 -0.181947 0.089924 0.225311 -0.162343 -0.117839 -0.019935
22 -1.682576 -0.913388 -1.014237 -0.008073 -0.183926 0.270837 0.220226 0.061937 -0.246339 0.014154
23 -2.658623 0.669277 -0.184127 0.821191 0.509528 0.897013 -0.185740 -0.017670 0.359389 0.101728
24 -2.354816 -0.899123 -0.869987 0.161906 0.233469 -0.171734 0.331052 -0.079515 -0.075497 -0.191597
25 3.358263 -0.103399 -0.514251 -0.018818 0.222321 -0.208830 -0.282955 -0.022693 -0.058105 0.031465
26 2.440051 2.057439 -0.881101 0.568156 -0.621810 -0.300175 1.030298 0.014321 0.403521 0.121686
27 2.946328 1.383718 -0.355847 -1.159294 0.678108 -0.024936 0.467431 -0.239450 0.166930 -0.100088
28 -1.212566 3.498277 -0.197467 0.600021 1.124186 -0.342886 0.664866 0.153216 -0.426021 0.129397
29 0.014182 3.221361 0.374340 -0.959536 -0.853213 0.081124 0.024243 -0.114836 0.137882 -0.052590
30 -2.541137 4.366990 1.428770 -0.874904 0.415883 -0.011549 -0.409474 0.456812 0.026336 -0.091492
31 2.512210 0.258768 0.226798 0.214592 0.361254 -0.464676 -0.501820 -0.169392 0.226064 0.223587
# proportion variance explained by each of the principal components
array([0.57602174, 0.26496432, 0.05972149, 0.02695067, 0.02222501,
       0.02101174, 0.01329201, 0.00806816, 0.00536523, 0.00237963])
# proportion variance explained by including each PC
array([0.57602174, 0.84098606])
# proportion variance explained by both
# Absolute variance explained
array([5.9460309 , 2.73511555])

# Check if the principal components are orthogonal (dot product should be zero)
np.dot(pc_mtcars[0], pc_mtcars[1])
0 1
0 0.632134 1.739877
1 0.605027 1.554343
2 2.801549 -0.122632
3 0.259204 -2.364265
4 -2.032508 -0.774822
pc_mtcars.index = df.index
pc_mtcars.columns = ['PC-0', 'PC-1']
PC-0 PC-1
Mazda RX4 0.632134 1.739877
Mazda RX4 Wag 0.605027 1.554343
Datsun 710 2.801549 -0.122632
Hornet 4 Drive 0.259204 -2.364265
Hornet Sportabout -2.032508 -0.774822
Valiant 0.204867 -2.778790
Duster 360 -2.846324 0.318210
Merc 240D 1.938647 -1.454239
Merc 230 2.300271 -1.963602
Merc 280 0.636986 -0.150858
Merc 280C 0.712003 -0.308009
Merc 450SE -2.168500 -0.698349
Merc 450SL -2.013998 -0.698920
Merc 450SLC -1.983030 -0.811307
Cadillac Fleetwood -3.540037 -0.841191
Lincoln Continental -3.597893 -0.747153
Chrysler Imperial -3.493731 -0.445347
Fiat 128 3.329571 -0.292943
Honda Civic 3.883988 0.704290
Toyota Corolla 3.636227 -0.276133
Toyota Corona 1.962264 -2.101797
Dodge Challenger -2.048033 -1.026281
AMC Javelin -1.682576 -0.913388
Camaro Z28 -2.658623 0.669277
Pontiac Firebird -2.354816 -0.899123
Fiat X1-9 3.358263 -0.103399
Porsche 914-2 2.440051 2.057439
Lotus Europa 2.946328 1.383718
Ford Pantera L -1.212566 3.498277
Ferrari Dino 0.014182 3.221361
Maserati Bora -2.541137 4.366990
Volvo 142E 2.512210 0.258768
plt.figure(figsize = (8,8))
x, y = pc_mtcars['PC-0'].values, pc_mtcars['PC-1'].values
ax = plt.scatter(x,y)
for i, txt in enumerate(pc_mtcars.index):
    plt.annotate(txt, (x[i], y[i]), fontsize=10)



Check if eigenvectors multiplied by original feature set data equals the principal components (Optional)

# Eigenvectors.  These are multiplied by the actual features and summed up to get the new features
ev = pca.components_
array([[-0.40297112, -0.39592428, -0.35432552,  0.3155948 , -0.36680043,
         0.21989818,  0.33335709,  0.24749911,  0.22143747, -0.22670801],
       [ 0.03901479, -0.05393117,  0.24496137,  0.27847781, -0.14675805,
        -0.46066271, -0.22751987,  0.43201042,  0.46516217,  0.411693  ]])
# For the first observation, these are the new feature values

PC-0 PC-1
Mazda RX4 0.632134 1.739877
Mazda RX4 Wag 0.605027 1.554343
# Original standardized features for the first observation
cyl    -0.106668
disp   -0.579750
hp     -0.543655
drat    0.576594
wt     -0.620167
qsec   -0.789601
vs     -0.881917
am      1.208941
gear    0.430331
carb    0.746967
Name: Mazda RX4, dtype: float64
# Multiplying the first observation with the eignevectors
(ev[0] * feat.iloc[0])
cyl     0.042984
disp    0.229537
hp      0.192631
drat    0.181970
wt      0.227477
qsec   -0.173632
vs     -0.293993
am      0.299212
gear    0.095292
carb   -0.169343
Name: Mazda RX4, dtype: float64
# Next we sum up the above to get the first PC for the first observation
(ev[0] * feat.iloc[0]).sum()
# We can get the first PC for all the observations together as well
(ev[0] * feat).sum(axis=1)
Mazda RX4              0.632134
Mazda RX4 Wag          0.605027
Datsun 710             2.801549
Hornet 4 Drive         0.259204
Hornet Sportabout     -2.032508
Valiant                0.204867
Duster 360            -2.846324
Merc 240D              1.938647
Merc 230               2.300271
Merc 280               0.636986
Merc 280C              0.712003
Merc 450SE            -2.168500
Merc 450SL            -2.013998
Merc 450SLC           -1.983030
Cadillac Fleetwood    -3.540037
Lincoln Continental   -3.597893
Chrysler Imperial     -3.493731
Fiat 128               3.329571
Honda Civic            3.883988
Toyota Corolla         3.636227
Toyota Corona          1.962264
Dodge Challenger      -2.048033
AMC Javelin           -1.682576
Camaro Z28            -2.658623
Pontiac Firebird      -2.354816
Fiat X1-9              3.358263
Porsche 914-2          2.440051
Lotus Europa           2.946328
Ford Pantera L        -1.212566
Ferrari Dino           0.014182
Maserati Bora         -2.541137
Volvo 142E             2.512210
dtype: float64
# Next we get the second principal component
(ev[1] * feat).sum(axis=1)
Mazda RX4              1.739877
Mazda RX4 Wag          1.554343
Datsun 710            -0.122632
Hornet 4 Drive        -2.364265
Hornet Sportabout     -0.774822
Valiant               -2.778790
Duster 360             0.318210
Merc 240D             -1.454239
Merc 230              -1.963602
Merc 280              -0.150858
Merc 280C             -0.308009
Merc 450SE            -0.698349
Merc 450SL            -0.698920
Merc 450SLC           -0.811307
Cadillac Fleetwood    -0.841191
Lincoln Continental   -0.747153
Chrysler Imperial     -0.445347
Fiat 128              -0.292943
Honda Civic            0.704290
Toyota Corolla        -0.276133
Toyota Corona         -2.101797
Dodge Challenger      -1.026281
AMC Javelin           -0.913388
Camaro Z28             0.669277
Pontiac Firebird      -0.899123
Fiat X1-9             -0.103399
Porsche 914-2          2.057439
Lotus Europa           1.383718
Ford Pantera L         3.498277
Ferrari Dino           3.221361
Maserati Bora          4.366990
Volvo 142E             0.258768
dtype: float64

These manually obtained PCs are identical to the ones we got earlier using pca.fit_transform(feat)


from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
import umap
cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb
Mazda RX4 -0.106668 -0.579750 -0.543655 0.576594 -0.620167 -0.789601 -0.881917 1.208941 0.430331 0.746967
Mazda RX4 Wag -0.106668 -0.579750 -0.543655 0.576594 -0.355382 -0.471202 -0.881917 1.208941 0.430331 0.746967
Datsun 710 -1.244457 -1.006026 -0.795570 0.481584 -0.931678 0.432823 1.133893 1.208941 0.430331 -1.140108
Hornet 4 Drive -0.106668 0.223615 -0.543655 -0.981576 -0.002336 0.904736 1.133893 -0.827170 -0.946729 -1.140108
Hornet Sportabout 1.031121 1.059772 0.419550 -0.848562 0.231297 -0.471202 -0.881917 -0.827170 -0.946729 -0.511083
Valiant -0.106668 -0.046906 -0.617748 -1.589643 0.252064 1.348220 1.133893 -0.827170 -0.946729 -1.140108
Duster 360 1.031121 1.059772 1.456847 -0.734549 0.366285 -1.142114 -0.881917 -0.827170 -0.946729 0.746967
Merc 240D -1.244457 -0.688779 -1.254944 0.177551 -0.028296 1.223135 1.133893 -0.827170 0.430331 -0.511083
Merc 230 -1.244457 -0.737144 -0.765933 0.614599 -0.069830 2.871986 1.133893 -0.827170 0.430331 -0.511083
Merc 280 -0.106668 -0.517448 -0.351014 0.614599 0.231297 0.256567 1.133893 -0.827170 0.430331 0.746967
Merc 280C -0.106668 -0.517448 -0.351014 0.614599 0.231297 0.597708 1.133893 -0.827170 0.430331 0.746967
Merc 450SE 1.031121 0.369533 0.493642 -1.000578 0.885470 -0.255145 -0.881917 -0.827170 -0.946729 0.117942
Merc 450SL 1.031121 0.369533 0.493642 -1.000578 0.532424 -0.141432 -0.881917 -0.827170 -0.946729 0.117942
Merc 450SLC 1.031121 0.369533 0.493642 -1.000578 0.584343 0.085996 -0.881917 -0.827170 -0.946729 0.117942
Cadillac Fleetwood 1.031121 1.977904 0.864106 -1.266608 2.110747 0.074625 -0.881917 -0.827170 -0.946729 0.746967
Lincoln Continental 1.031121 1.879533 1.012291 -1.133593 2.291423 -0.016346 -0.881917 -0.827170 -0.946729 0.746967
Chrysler Imperial 1.031121 1.715580 1.234569 -0.696545 2.209392 -0.243774 -0.881917 -0.827170 -0.946729 0.746967
Fiat 128 -1.244457 -1.246216 -1.195670 0.918632 -1.056282 0.921793 1.133893 1.208941 0.430331 -1.140108
Honda Civic -1.244457 -1.270809 -1.403130 2.533809 -1.663729 0.381652 1.133893 1.208941 0.430331 -0.511083
Toyota Corolla -1.244457 -1.308518 -1.210489 1.184661 -1.435287 1.166278 1.133893 1.208941 0.430331 -1.140108
Toyota Corona -1.244457 -0.906835 -0.736296 0.196553 -0.781114 1.228820 1.133893 -0.827170 -0.946729 -1.140108
Dodge Challenger 1.031121 0.715472 0.049086 -1.589643 0.314367 -0.556487 -0.881917 -0.827170 -0.946729 -0.511083
AMC Javelin 1.031121 0.600705 0.049086 -0.848562 0.226105 -0.312002 -0.881917 -0.827170 -0.946729 -0.511083
Camaro Z28 1.031121 0.977795 1.456847 0.253559 0.646645 -1.386598 -0.881917 -0.827170 -0.946729 0.746967
Pontiac Firebird 1.031121 1.387676 0.419550 -0.981576 0.651837 -0.454145 -0.881917 -0.827170 -0.946729 -0.511083
Fiat X1-9 -1.244457 -1.243757 -1.195670 0.918632 -1.331450 0.597708 1.133893 1.208941 0.430331 -1.140108
Porsche 914-2 -1.244457 -0.905195 -0.825207 1.583705 -1.118584 -0.653144 -0.881917 1.208941 1.807392 -0.511083
Lotus Europa -1.244457 -1.111775 -0.499199 0.329567 -1.769642 -0.539430 1.133893 1.208941 1.807392 -0.511083
Ford Pantera L 1.031121 0.985993 1.738399 1.184661 -0.049063 -1.903996 -0.881917 1.208941 1.807392 0.746967
Ferrari Dino -0.106668 -0.702714 0.419550 0.044536 -0.464411 -1.335427 -0.881917 1.208941 1.807392 2.005017
Maserati Bora 1.031121 0.576113 2.790515 -0.107481 0.366285 -1.847139 -0.881917 1.208941 1.807392 3.263067
Volvo 142E -1.244457 -0.899457 -0.558473 0.975638 -0.454027 0.427138 1.133893 1.208941 0.430331 -0.511083


t–Stochastic Neighbourhood Embedding

from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
tsne = TSNE(n_components=2,perplexity=4, n_iter=4000).fit_transform(feat)
array([[ -67.28988  ,   -7.461225 ],
       [ -70.462395 ,   -1.230129 ],
       [-109.79255  ,  -26.001574 ],
       [ -14.49516  ,  -98.97109  ],
       [  88.77131  ,  -10.752994 ],
       [  -7.538271 ,  -98.85341  ],
       [  96.28523  ,   32.15872  ],
       [ -39.203053 ,  -97.86199  ],
       [ -45.55487  , -103.012344 ],
       [ -45.803345 ,  -73.82526  ],
       [ -48.023323 ,  -80.474434 ],
       [  76.36449  ,   14.991346 ],
       [  82.82964  ,    8.64965  ],
       [  74.56219  ,    5.692307 ],
       [  61.549232 ,   66.105705 ],
       [  59.30757  ,   58.038372 ],
       [  67.97727  ,   59.218933 ],
       [-121.32329  ,  -28.11285  ],
       [-123.71266  ,  -47.980957 ],
       [-125.013916 ,  -36.53466  ],
       [ -31.122364 , -100.07239  ],
       [ 101.20207  ,  -10.095666 ],
       [  93.759026 ,   -3.7495155],
       [  94.439705 ,   38.97752  ],
       [  87.12706  ,  -18.712942 ],
       [-114.96241  ,  -35.049763 ],
       [ -80.8475   ,  -13.373581 ],
       [ -97.24929  ,  -22.367165 ],
       [ -50.115887 ,   10.128343 ],
       [ -57.95673  ,    0.8419222],
       [ -43.0364   ,    5.2282023],
       [-114.76846  ,  -17.610258 ]], dtype=float32)
tsne = pd.DataFrame(tsne, index = feat.index, columns= [['tsne1', 'tsne2']])
tsne1 tsne2
Mazda RX4 -67.289879 -7.461225
Mazda RX4 Wag -70.462395 -1.230129
Datsun 710 -109.792549 -26.001574
Hornet 4 Drive -14.495160 -98.971092
Hornet Sportabout 88.771309 -10.752994
Valiant -7.538271 -98.853409
Duster 360 96.285233 32.158718
Merc 240D -39.203053 -97.861992
Merc 230 -45.554871 -103.012344
Merc 280 -45.803345 -73.825256
Merc 280C -48.023323 -80.474434
Merc 450SE 76.364487 14.991346
Merc 450SL 82.829643 8.649650
Merc 450SLC 74.562187 5.692307
Cadillac Fleetwood 61.549232 66.105705
Lincoln Continental 59.307571 58.038372
Chrysler Imperial 67.977272 59.218933
Fiat 128 -121.323288 -28.112850
Honda Civic -123.712662 -47.980957
Toyota Corolla -125.013916 -36.534660
Toyota Corona -31.122364 -100.072388
Dodge Challenger 101.202072 -10.095666
AMC Javelin 93.759026 -3.749516
Camaro Z28 94.439705 38.977520
Pontiac Firebird 87.127060 -18.712942
Fiat X1-9 -114.962410 -35.049763
Porsche 914-2 -80.847504 -13.373581
Lotus Europa -97.249290 -22.367165
Ford Pantera L -50.115887 10.128343
Ferrari Dino -57.956730 0.841922
Maserati Bora -43.036400 5.228202
Volvo 142E -114.768463 -17.610258
plt.figure(figsize = (8,8))
x, y = tsne['tsne1'].values, tsne['tsne2'].values
ax = plt.scatter(x,y)
for i, txt in enumerate(tsne.index):
    plt.annotate(txt, (x[i], y[i]), fontsize=10)

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

Cell In[2], line 1
----> 1 plt.figure(figsize = (8,8))
      2 x, y = tsne['tsne1'].values, tsne['tsne2'].values
      3 ax = plt.scatter(x,y)

NameError: name 'plt' is not defined
array([-14.49516], dtype=float32)


Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection

import umap
reducer = umap.UMAP()
umap_df = reducer.fit_transform(feat)
array([[7.9486165, 3.0713704],
       [7.402318 , 2.874345 ],
       [8.8131485, 1.4380807],
       [5.5473623, 2.5566773],
       [3.2108188, 3.3392804],
       [5.3461323, 2.1200655],
       [3.8067963, 4.5210752],
       [6.58078  , 1.3951299],
       [7.0341005, 1.5319571],
       [6.3814726, 2.4643123],
       [6.7775025, 2.2689457],
       [3.0018737, 3.7647781],
       [3.3977818, 3.8941634],
       [4.2033854, 3.0790732],
       [4.6369843, 3.9497583],
       [4.3610024, 3.686902 ],
       [4.0866485, 4.0934315],
       [7.8208694, 1.4948332],
       [8.084658 , 1.0412157],
       [8.464826 , 1.220919 ],
       [6.5309978, 1.658703 ],
       [3.4445682, 2.9147172],
       [3.6826684, 3.5611525],
       [4.290335 , 4.5866804],
       [3.7983255, 3.1954393],
       [8.380528 , 1.812527 ],
       [8.013013 , 2.5654325],
       [8.112276 , 2.0220134],
       [7.3071904, 3.8790686],
       [7.4343815, 3.428951 ],
       [6.941151 , 3.950713 ],
       [8.1997385, 1.3561321]], dtype=float32)
umap_df = pd.DataFrame(umap_df, index = feat.index, columns= [['umap1', 'umap2']])
umap1 umap2
Mazda RX4 7.948617 3.071370
Mazda RX4 Wag 7.402318 2.874345
Datsun 710 8.813148 1.438081
Hornet 4 Drive 5.547362 2.556677
Hornet Sportabout 3.210819 3.339280
Valiant 5.346132 2.120065
Duster 360 3.806796 4.521075
Merc 240D 6.580780 1.395130
Merc 230 7.034101 1.531957
Merc 280 6.381473 2.464312
Merc 280C 6.777503 2.268946
Merc 450SE 3.001874 3.764778
Merc 450SL 3.397782 3.894163
Merc 450SLC 4.203385 3.079073
Cadillac Fleetwood 4.636984 3.949758
Lincoln Continental 4.361002 3.686902
Chrysler Imperial 4.086648 4.093431
Fiat 128 7.820869 1.494833
Honda Civic 8.084658 1.041216
Toyota Corolla 8.464826 1.220919
Toyota Corona 6.530998 1.658703
Dodge Challenger 3.444568 2.914717
AMC Javelin 3.682668 3.561152
Camaro Z28 4.290335 4.586680
Pontiac Firebird 3.798326 3.195439
Fiat X1-9 8.380528 1.812527
Porsche 914-2 8.013013 2.565433
Lotus Europa 8.112276 2.022013
Ford Pantera L 7.307190 3.879069
Ferrari Dino 7.434381 3.428951
Maserati Bora 6.941151 3.950713
Volvo 142E 8.199739 1.356132
plt.figure(figsize = (8,8))
x, y = umap_df['umap1'].values, umap_df['umap2'].values
ax = plt.scatter(x,y)
for i, txt in enumerate(tsne.index):
    plt.annotate(txt, (x[i], y[i]), fontsize=10)
